jeudi 5 mai 2011

Terrafugia : It's a Bird! , It's a Plane! No, It's a Car

Everyone has a flyng car, meals come in pill form entirely and the word is ruled by damn dirty apes. “Such words in the Austin Power Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me when he was asked what comes to mind living in the decade 1960 – an imagined that the 21st century will contain cars that float and can terbang.Tak only imagine, people are already trying to create a vehicle that can fly at the same time and driven on the highway. Even this effort has been made since the beginning of the 20th century, precisely in 1910 by Waldo Waterman. However, the efforts of the visionaries are not yet fully known successful. Remain many technical problems that must be met before the vehicle is worthy of being called “The Flying Car.”
But now, a glimmer of light began to appear at the end of the tunnel. One hundred years after the Waterman, a small aircraft company called Terrafugia Inc.. introduced a flying car called Transition. Looking at its shape, Transition looks like a plane that was forced to be driving on the highway. Promising technical specifications. Saved Rotax 912S 100 hp engine which is placed in the middle of the chassis. In airplane mode, the machine will rotate the propeller 4 blade Q-Tip is located in the rear. When a car, the engine will be connected with the transmission has a maximum speed of 185 km / h and distance, as far as 787 km. Alias, not far behind with an average of dragonfly flight class. What about the performance of the highway? Well not bad-very bad. Peak speed is only 105 km / h, but given the rules as well as traffic conditions that exist today, that much seemed sufficient numbers. Amazingly, its fuel consumption is economical with figures terbilant 14.9 km / liter.
Change the mode of the plane into a car was simply done from inside the cabin. Transition only takes 30 seconds to fold or open wings. Well, in a folded condition. Transition has a dimension not unlike a giant sedan. The length of 6 meters, 2.3 meters wide and 2 meters high. Clearly enough to inhabit the garage mansion, beach house, or luxury home owners. Good again, what is presented Terrafugia not a dream. The first delivery to the consumer will be next 18 months. “Sure Richard Gersh. Vice President – Business Development Terrafugia Inc.. This is obviously different from the project Moller M400 Skycar is still not finished and is now discredited. Terrafugia has proven that their products can indeed be used. In March 2009, Transition prototype called The Proof of Concept successfully performed its first flight in front of the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration).

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